Adobe Colour Printer Utility For Mac Os X 10.6
It appears at the bottom of the page in the known issues of the link for the Adobe Color Printer Utility that it will only work with Mac 10.6. Yet in the OS section further down it shows 10.5 and 10.6. If you are using Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) or later, there is an easier way to print the target image for your printer profile with color management turned off. The Adobe Color Printing Utility (ACPU) is a small disposable software program whose sole purpose is to send the target image to your printer with color management turned off.

Adobe Colour Printing Utility (ACPU) Up to the end of 2010, you could only use software that was compatible with our profiling process to print the profiling charts. Some software - such as Lightroom and Aperture - were not compatible even though they were able to use the final profile. Thanks to the removal of the 'No Colour Option' in the printing options for Photoshop CS5 (which caused quite a few problems for the profiling community), Adobe have lived up to their promise and released an application (Windows and Mac) that can be used just to print profiling charts. This is known as ACPU (Adobe Colour Printing Utility), and is free to download from: By using this application, the charts are loaded correctly, and printed correctly with no colour management. This not only helps CS5 users, but also helps all users of software that weren't compatible previously. Due to the simplicity of the program, we recommend all customers use this application rather than using their usual software.
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We'll still have the guides for the individual software applications for both those who prefer using these for printing the charts, and for those who have problems with ACPU (please note that this utility is compatible with Mac OS 10.6 but is not compatible with Mac OS 10.5) - but we would prefer customers to use this application if possible. This utility can also be used to print out the for finding the optimum Paper Type setting for the printer driver - just select the density chart instead of the profiling chart in step 10 below.
Adobe Colour Printer Utility For Mac Os X 10.6.8
Please note that these instructions, plus details about the printer driver settings and using the profile, can be found in our step-by-step guide for ACPU which can be downloaded from our page. We have guides for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. You will also find tutorial videos about downloading and using this utility on our page. Printing the charts using the Adobe Colour Printer Utility on a Mac. Step 1 • Choose the charts you want from our downloads section based on the size of paper you use, and whether you want a Standard or an Enhanced profile. • Click the download button and then choose to save them to your computer.