Orbitz Serving Up Pricier Results For Mac
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Travel site Orbitz is serving up pricier hotel results to those using Mac computers than those on PCs, according to a new report. Orbitz CEO Barney Harford, however, said the practice is simply. In a controversial move, online travel agency Orbitz has started driving Mac computer users toward more expensive hotels. This bold strategy is based on the website’s tracking research, which indicated that its Mac customers spend up to 30 percent more on travel than its Windows clientele. Jun 26, 2012 Travel site Orbitz is serving up pricier hotel results to those using Mac computers than those on PCs, according to a new report.
If you own a Mac, Orbitz is trying to sell you pricier hotels, reports the Wall Street Journal.The online travel service took a trip BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 25: Kristina Herresthal, co-founder of. Jul 02, 2012 Travel site Orbitz is serving up pricier hotel results to those using Mac computers than those on PCs, according to a new report. Orbitz CEO Barney Harford, however, said the practice is simply about providing 'more personalized recommendations' to customers.
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