Palm Zire Drivers For Mac
Thanks to the great folks over at (makers of NEW PalmOS Garnet devices!), drivers for 64bit Vista and Windows 7 operating systems are here! (Note: Neither HP, nor Palm can offer support for this driver since it was supplied by a third-party vendor). I have just synced my TX to my Vista64 bit laptop successfully via my USB cable! The drivers are here: An instruction file included with the download.
Basic instructions: 1. Download the drivers and unpack ('Extract' or 'unzip') them. Since they come in compressed file, this is absolutely necessary. Remember the location of this folder you unpacked them to as you will be needing it later on in this install routine. Try to HotSync your device. It will fail. Epson scanner drivers for mac.
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Palm Zire Drivers For Mac
I have gotten the aceeca drivers installed successfully, but my palm zire 71 will still not hotsync. It shows up in the Device manager as a palm device but when i select Hotsync it just doesn't run. Palm Zire Driver in title. IOrgsoft DVD to Palm Converter MP3 & Audio, Free to try, $29.95, 13.0 MB. IOrgsoft Palm Video Converter MP3 & Audio, Free to try, $29.95, 12.9 MB. For some Treo, Tungsten, Zire models. Palm Desktop Editor's review. Palm Desktop is a Date Book, To Do List, Address Book, and more. It can be used as a stand-alone application, or to view, sort, find, edit, back up, and add applications to your Palm device.
Open the Device Manager, and look for the Yellow Triangle next to Palm Device under 'Other devices'. Right-click on the device, and choose 'Update Driver Software'. Choose 'Browse My Computer for Software' and direct it to the Aceeca folder you unpacked the drivers to. Choose 'Next' at the driver file location window, and then tell it to 'Always trust software from Aceeca Ltd.' Then click the 'Install' button. I received an error message (Vista64) that told me 'The drivers were installed but the device couldn't be opened.' I saw that my TX had timed out and went to sleep.
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Palm Zire 31

I tried a HotSync and it worked!!! Thanks again to Aceeca and Reb1 for reporting this link here. Dear Palm Users WOW!!! I can now HotSync my Palm Centro to my Win7 LapTop!!! Photos, Calendar, Notes, Addresses / Phone#'s Etc!!! I'm so happy.