Public Folder Won't Connect On Office 2016 For Mac
If a public folder does not have an email address assigned to it, you cannot use Outlook 2016 for Mac to post a message in the folder. To view your subscribed public folders, in the navigation pane, click Subscribed Public Folders. Users are on O365 and connecting with Outlook 2016.There is a mail-enabled public folder, where users are publishing editor. For easy access, users are putting the public folder in favorites in Outlook, but here's where it gets weird.
I have the same issue with Outlook 2016, cold start in the morning, connecting to exchange, after ten minutes I shut it down, switch off the wifi, close outlook.Switch back wifi, restart outlook and its connecting now and works well. But after a certain time it looks - connected -but no update on folders, needs to restart it again. It happens minimum 10 times per day. I receive mails to my iPhone and iPad and after hearing the sounds I know new mail arrived and I have to restart my outlook, It is so disappointing, I have no issue with any of softwares except MS products on my Mac. – user149964 Oct 2 '15 at 19:55.
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Outlook for Office 365 Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Office 365 for home Issue: The Office 2016 update process has been updated to check your current Outlook configuration and determine if you may be affected by some known issues. If it determines your configuration may be affected, you receive the following warning: Stop, you should wait to install Office 2016. You won’t be able to receive mail from a current mailbox. Outlook 2016 is not compatible with Exchange 2007. You may want to contact your mailbox provider or system administrator about this issue. If you choose Install anyway and upgrade to Outlook 2016 for Windows, then when you try to connect to a primary, shared, or delegate mailbox or folder, you get the following error message: The resource that you are trying to use is located on an unsupported version of Microsoft Exchange.
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Contact your e-mail administrator for assistance. Then, when you open Outlook, you get another error message telling you Outlook can't open your data files. Or, when you try to open a Public Folder, you get the following message: Cannot expand the folder. The set of folders cannot be opened. Network problems are preventing connection to Microsoft Exchange. These errors occur because Outlook 2016 for Windows doesn't support connections to Exchange Server 2007 and earlier.
marvel gigabit lan drivers for mac Solution: To use Outlook 2016 with an Exchange 2007 resource, you can: • Uninstall Outlook 2016 and then reinstall Outlook 2013 on your PC, if you upgraded to Office 2016 from an Office 365 subscription. • Uninstall Office 2016 and reinstall Office 2013 Home and Business, Office 2013 Professional, or Outlook 2016 for Windows standalone if you previously had one of these earlier versions of Office on your PC.