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Yik Yak Android For Mac

Why there is a need to create an app like Yik Yak? The Yik Yak app which is just a year old, has raised $1.5 million in investment, with the first app that enables hyper-local community building with iOS and Android devices. Yik yak free download - Yik Yak, Yik Yak Generator, Yik Yak - Your Local Feed, and many more programs. All Windows Mac iOS Android. You don’t have to look any further, I’ll outline all of your options to get Yik Yak when you’re on a Mac and be able to post and have all of the features you enjoy using on a PC or on an Android device.

  1. Yik Yak App
  2. Android File Transfer

Yik Yak App

Yik Yak Android For Mac

Gani program for mac. Yik Yak enables college students to share whatever's on their minds anonymously and to see what others in the area are plotting. Pros Voting: You can vote posts up or down, depending on the value they contribute to the community. Hp compaq presario c700 camera driver for mac. Posts with lots of Up votes show up in the Hot section, so they're likely to be seen by more users. A post with enough Down votes will be deleted.

You can also click audio, and then choose your needed audio track, audio channel and audio device. Freeware ove player for mac.

Browsing options: You can browse the most recent posts in your area, check out the Hot list, or look through the feed from a different college campus. And you can comment on the posts other people make as well. Cons Open to abuse: The anonymous nature of the service opens it up to abuse, as well, which is why it's so important for users to take an active role in voting down or reporting anything that may be considered bullying or otherwise harmful. Bottom Line Yik Yak is a fun, new way to see what your fellow college students are thinking about and to share your own thoughts and experiences.

Android File Transfer

It offers plenty of ways to interact; and while it won't be interesting to everyone, it's certainly fun for those who fit into its target demographic. Yik Yak acts like a local bulletin board for your area by showing the most recent posts from other users around you. It allows anyone to connect and share information with others without having to know them. News, funny experiences, shout outs, and jokes spread faster than ever through Yik Yak's tight-knit community. Create quality content and receive upvotes from other members of your community. Be engaged in your community and help decide what's the best through upvotes and downvotes. Spread the word to grow the herd.